Game On Initiatives is a vehicle for a concerned, supportive, and motivated community to dismantle systemic racism.

Game On Initiatives exists to join and elevate community efforts to Identify and fight Anti-Black racism while sharing factual information about the impact of racism on the American experience. We strive to motivate community action through podcasts, engaging guest conversations, and access to WOKE-U, which contains references and links.

The Power of Words

The Power of Words

Revealing the lies and deceptive wordplay used by the ‘racist’ wing of the Republican party.

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Foreseeable Outcomes

Foreseeable Outcomes

This episode explores first the many Right-Wing practices that fan hatred, relax gun restrictions, identify and vilify ‘the others’, in an attempt to create a hostile environment for their identified enemies. Secondly, it shows the foreseeable, preventable and often tragic fallout from these practices.

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The Lies That Bind

The Lies That Bind

Reveals the Right-Wing political strategy using falsehoods, misstatements and outright lies to mislead the public. Their commitment to deception is so strong that their primary target has become the fact checker more so than the citizens and politicians from the progressive wing. Clearly the lies will help them win that battle.

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The Bigot Games

The Bigot Games

Includes analysis of the deeds and statements of certain, far right figures, as they engage in their apparent battle to become the bigger bigot. 

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Systemic Racism – Justice System Disparities

Systemic Racism – Justice System Disparities

This episode covers well known and lesser known justice system disparities and failures. We discuss harmful practices that have devastated communities and stolen years from innocent citizens. We identify examples of people and practices that must be changed.

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Who We Are

What You Can Do Today

Please use the Game On Initiatives Participation form to submit news about important upcoming events, social justice actions, and important legislation in your area and nationally. Once vetted, we will post the information to enable and encourage support and participation.